Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where we are on HCR

Well, despite all the good things the health care reform legislation does (like, I dunno, stop allowing insurance companies to refuse covering a newborn with a heart defect) the ‘ol horseshit is still flying around following the passage of the single most important legislation since Medicare.

  • Although based on the white noise (ha! pun!) you’d think it was more, so far only 15 Attorney Generals? Attorney's General's? Attorneys General have decided to waste tax payer money in pursuing a frivolous lawsuit that nearly every credible constitutional scholar has said has no merit whatsoever. (Apparently you get to pick and choose when to believe in tort reform.)

    Keep in mind those are 14 Republicans and one Democrat (who was told by Republican Governor Bobby Jindal that his office would be spared from budget cuts if he pursued the lawsuit.) When taken with the 50 states, D.C. and several other territories included in the bill, that means only about ¼ are grandstanding.

  • If you haven’t already read it, I suggest you check out how hypocritical the GOP was in opposing this bill, considering it was largely written by them.

  • The threats and vandalism that followed the vote are continuing, with the arrest of a “man” in Washington who was caught red-handed by the F.B.I. after leaving threatening and profanity-laced talking points straight-off of Fox News on Senator Patty Murray’s phone. (Man is in quotations because anyone stupid and cowardly enough to threaten to kill a sitting female U.S. senator doesn’t deserve full male status.)

    Side note: it was at a Washington-state tea party rally where a speaker worked the crowd into a freedom-lather by describing how she would like to copy the movie “Lonesome Dove” and hang Senator Murray.

    Civil Rights hero Congressman John Lewis has also released a message he received from some dipshit who seems to have forgotten about the outcome of the Civil War and the 2008 election.